Enthusiasm, passion, desire for value creation and the deny of compromise – this characteristic described the lifework of french Benedictine, Dom Pierre Perignon’s, who we therefor respect as an idol. Perignon was considered as kind of freak in his era, where the french beverage culture was entirely shaped by red wine. He went a long road, stoned with many tries and fails, and created finally champagne – that time a rebel to mainstream, today one of the most admired and noble drinks on earth. As a result of his suggestion, 1718, the french wine law implemented a fundamentally new regulation – champagne must be produced out of the grape variety pinot noir. The gilt sparkling drink made of red grape he invented, was called ’Blanc de Noirs’ (BdN, means „white from dark”) which is still today one of the most special kind of champagnes.

After Perignon who we dare to follow, we oblige ourselves to serve the organizational and individual development with commitment. Our aim is to create value, by exploring the opportunity and facilitate the transformation.

Value created of opportunity – this is BdN Projects.