Compensation / Prices

Management consulting – compensation

The cooperation will commence with a compact but intense screening of the situation and current problem. This comes free of charge from our side, however, efforts need to be invested mutually already at this stage. It means a couple of hours spent with interviews and observation. As a result, we will present the assesment identifying the real problem and provide a suggested scope for a tailored developement program, including further efforts and related charges from our side.

The compensation is defined in hourly/daily rates and usually, this developement expenditures for your company resemble to the costs of a new administative full-time employee – the impact of it will be however like a new executive director would join your management board.

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Mentoring – compensation

The first 1on1-session where we introduce to each other and emphasize the current problem, is always free of charge. At the end of this session, we discuss if there is a sense and potential of a mutual cooperation, what could be the scope of and for which charge we can offer it.

Is the payment of the mentoring fee a difficulty and you indicate this upfront, that won’t keep us back from the support of your developement – we will support you either way.

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Project management – compensation

After discussing the project scope, we provide an individual offer for this kind of assignment, based on the complexity and size of the project. Usually we apply a settlement by hourly/daily rates, charging effective hours only. A typical hourly rate ranges between 80-120 EURs.

In our experience, a smaller implementation- or update-project has an intensity requiring a PM capacity of 0,5 to 1 working days/week; a more complex, international and project with multiple facilities involved takes a capacity of 3-4 days/week. The real and current efforts are mutually defined upfront, based on the very specific project characteristics.

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