Rita Ignáczy

Rita Ignáczy

Educational background:
Education: economist (PSZF, Corvinus)
Languages: german, english

Experience in a nutshell:

  • Consultant for corporate finance for 9 years, experience of system implementation
  • Project manager of international ERP system implementation for 2 years
  • Professional knowledge of Microsoft Business Central, proAlpha ERP systems
  • Controller at an international producing company for 1 year
  • Internal auditor at an international trading company for 4 years
  • Country manager for 1 year and finance manager for 4 years at an international trading company

„It’s not the destination; it’s the journey”

I work as project manager, mainly in the area of ERP system implementations. My professional background is based on my expertise in corporate finance and the experience with related projects. I was involved in implementations both as insider and outsider, as user and as consultant either.

„It’s not the destination; it’s the journey” – I experienced the truth of this sentence and choosed it therefor as my motto. Beyond the project targets theirself, I attach great importance to the issues and questions coming up and we need to deal with, along the project path.

In my experience, an implementation project is very demanding for the organization, while it offers great opportunities for developement, as these topics will inevitable turn up at some point:

Collaboration. I haven’t seen a project with no conflicts – interpersonal or interdivisional – showing up at some stage. I strive to recognize this moments and conflicts in order to clarify them. Otherwise I think I would do my job only halfway.

Individual developement. A project sometimes demands new competencies and duties from the involved members. It is essential to prepare and develop people for this new assignment. My approach is to have an eye on this challanges and to offer support along the project.

Engagement. Proprietary approach can be expected from motivated colleagues only. It turns up very quick if someone is not identifying him/herself with the project and I help to put the attention of the related supervisor on that.

As project leader, I strive to keep the attention aware so we don’t miss this developement opportunities. This way, the challenges and changes experienced along the project will become improvement tools and part of an improved system – the journey will enrich the arrival at the destination.